Rumble Kong League and the NBA — A Fall Timeline

Gold Mamba (@StevensHill21)
5 min readSep 26, 2021

by Gold Mamba

I used to have a magic eight ball as a kid. It always bugged me that all the bubbles would get in the way when I would shake it too much. Also it did a pretty poor job at predicting the future. If we could predict the future in the NFT and crypto markets, we’d have a magical way to make millions.

While we can’t do that, we do have something almost as good, certainly better than my old magic eight ball… we have the open transparency of the crypto and NFT ecosystem and we have Discord and Twitter. For those who are willing to do their research and think critically, the trends become quite clear.

How about today we use our access to information to paint a timeline of what’s about to happen this fall and winter as we approach the start of the NBA season and the rise of the Rumble Kong League (RKL).

Something very special begins next week and that’s the NBA preseason. I’m not sure if I’ve ever watched a preseason game but that’s not the point… the players will be together day in and day out for the first time since last season. They will be traveling together, talking to other teams, and talking about what’s got their attention right now… #NFTs.

The players that are the early adopters are already deep into NFTs and you better believe they are going to be talking about everything they’ve learned and flexing hard. These players will create a wave of FOMO the likes of which we have never seen.

I took this opportunity to imagine the timeline of key events this fall when we combine what will be happening in the NBA with what will be happening in the RKL. These predictions are solely my opinion and you should always do your own research.

So what makes me confident about this timeline? Let’s look at a couple examples from this past week.

Here’s a post by NBA star Baron Davis telling us exactly what he’s been up to:

And this week, the one and only Snoop Dogg launched his metaverse and NFT presence in a big way, creating massive buzz, and attracting even more attention from his millions of followers who overlap significantly with the NBA and RKL communities:

And finally, this past week I was lucky to be listening to a Twitter spaces discussion when none other than Grayson Allen unmuted and discussed his journey in NFTs and answered several questions from others who were on.

First off, how cool is this! Just another example of crypto/NFT culture cutting out the middle man and enabling direct community discourse around shared interests.

I took notes feverishly so that I could share this conversation with you all… here are the paraphrased comments I recorded from Grayson (I wrote them as closely as possible to what he actually said):

  • I just got traded to the Bucks and my first day at the facility NFTs came up with the staff there. NFTs are definitely a known thing among players, training staff, and coaches.
  • I got into crypto during the pandemic because I was bored. I bought in heavy into ETH because I saw the use of it as digital money.
  • I had a friend tell me to get into CyberKongz a couple months ago but I didn’t get one.
  • Steph Curry buying a bored ape really woke me up to the whole space more seriously
  • Now I’m full on addicted… finding out about new projects, figuring out utility.
  • I was so close to getting involved in Top Shot a couple months ago. I’m definitely going to end up buying some of my own moments.
  • Crypto is taking out the middleman. Players don’t have to rely on a platform, they can go directly to the market.
  • All of us players are doing this on our own. Guys are talking about projects they’re finding and what they like as individuals.
  • What’s catching everyone’s attention is the money. They’re seeing that on Twitter.
  • We’ll definitely see more NBA players taking salaries in BTC.
  • John Wall announced his own project called Baby Ballers.
  • Every NBA team will be doing something in the NFT space soon. When I get my first championship with the Bucks I’ll make sure they get into NFTs!

Just look at how clear the trends are straight from the mouth of Grayson Allen. So we have Steph Curry, Baron Davis, John Wall, Grayson Allen (and many others) all making NFT purchases, educating themselves on how crypto works, and talking with each other about what they are buying. Much of this then makes its way to Twitter where information gets shared at the speed of light.

On his podcast, The Scoop, Frank Chaparro referred to Twitter as an example of what the future metaverse could be like (albeit a centralized preview of what’s to come)… a dynamic marketplace of ideas without borders where discourse and meme culture ignite trends. I completely agree with this take.

Just picture it… NBA players together playing NBA 2K22 (which was just released this September), flexing their NFT bags, talking about different projects and bragging about who’s RKL team has the best boost scores.

While there’s something that feels fundamentally unfair about traditional corporations and elite insiders and those sitting in board rooms all using their privileged access to private information to their advantage. We now have something like this being handed to the masses… for those who are willing to participate.

What’s about to happen is quite clear…

NBA players being together IRL + digital flexing on Twitter + direct engagement with fans and celebrities = AN EXPONENTIAL NFT BOOM within the NBA/Twitter community.

And the RKL is beautifully positioned to ride this wave to new highs. Come this December we’ll be saying one thing about the RKL:

Whether you agree or disagree, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Gold Mamba is on Twitter @stevenshill21

Disclaimers: NOT investment advice. Do your own research. Make your own decisions. Gold Mamba is a holder of Rumble Kong League NFTs and a co-founder of the Kong DAO. The Kong DAO is not affiliated with the Rumble Kong League.

